How to photograph the Item correctly?

In order for the Item to find its buyer as soon as possible, it is very important to photograph it correctly! We share tips on how to do it better

  1. In the process of publishing the lot, our application will offer you to study examples of photos suitable for a particular category of goods.
  2. Before conducting a "photo shoot", carefully inspect the Item for nuances and features. This will help you choose the right angles and understand what points you should focus on.
  3. If the Item is supposed to have a code, but it is missing for some reason (for example, after dry cleaning), be sure to indicate this in the description. This is especially important, for example, for Chanel accessories.
  4. Try to photograph the Item from several angles, as well as from the inside (study the examples). You have the opportunity to upload 8 pictures of the Item, which will be displayed in the Item card. If necessary, additional photos can be attached in the comments after the lot is published.
  5. It is best to take photos in daylight – this way the Item will look as natural as possible and will attract the buyer's attention faster.
  6. Do not forget to take a picture of the stamps and tags, if available, as well as the kit with which the Item is sold.
  7. If the Item has nuances, do not hide them. Otherwise, when checking the condition, our specialists can cancel the transaction if the lot does not match the description.
  8. You do not need to use Photoshop or other editors to remove the background from the image – our specialists will edit the title photo for the Item card!
  9. Remember that users can ask you for additional photos at any time – be ready to provide them.
  10. For detailed tips and comments from our experts on how best to photograph the Item, read our special material.

Important: attach "live" photos – try not to borrow pictures from brand catalogs.