How to create an account (GUIDE)

We tried to make it possible to create an account on Oskelly in just a couple of clicks! To do this, it is enough to perform just a few actions.

  • Enter a name or nickname. Please note that the nickname in the application can only be specified in Latin.
  • Enter the email address to which you want to register the profile. It is important that you have access to this mail, because a confirmation letter will be sent to it. If you forget your password, an email to restore it will also be sent to this email.
  • Set a password.

Your account is ready! After registering in your Personal Account, you will be able to:

  • Complete the profile creation by adding a photo.
  • Don't forget to specify your date of birth to receive nice bonuses from Oskelly in honor of your holiday!
  • After that, the system will offer you to subscribe to your favorite brands so that you receive notifications about new arrivals and updates of the assortment on Oskelly.