How to earn customer loyalty and become a trustworthy seller?

  • Publish only reliable information about Items.
  • Follow the instructions when publishing so that our moderators can place the lot on the platform faster..
  • Confirm the transaction as soon as possible so as not to keep your customers waiting.
  • Promptly ship the goods so that it gets into the hands of the buyer as soon as possible (and you get your funds to the account faster!).
  • Respond to all alerts, especially those that require your confirmation.
  • Answer users' comments and questions to help them make a choice.
  • Accept the price offer.
  • Update the leftovers.
  • Ship only clean items not to upset the customer.
  • Publish only those Items whose authenticity you are sure of. If you have doubts, you can always contact Oskelly specialists to undergo a pre-sale authenticity examination. This service can be ordered through our Customer Support in the app chat or on the website or in direct messages on our social networks.
  • Check out our tips on how to sell as quickly and profitably as possible!